Our Magento support contracts provide peace of mind for clients, knowing that our Magento certified team are there when they need us most. Consultation with a Magento Solution Specialist, to a bespoke ERP integration built by a Magento Certified Developer Plus. We have the right people to help your business grow where you need it most.

Simple development and support rates – just $70/hour

We offer a series of structured support plans and bespoke on request.

On Demand Support

per hour

You get access to JIRA Desk and our support team starts working with your submitted requests on the ‘first come first served’ basis. You shall pay for spent hours only at the rate of $70/hour.
No Minimum Contract.

40 prepaid hours

per month

Maximum time before the task is taken into work is 5 working days for a typical issue and 8 working hours for a critical one. Guaranteed website monitoring.
Minimum contract period is 3 month on a monthly prepayment basis.

100 prepaid hours

per month

Enterprise-wide support: dedicated resources for the project. Maximum time before the task is taken into work is 2 working days for a typical issue and 4 hours for a critical one.
Minimum contract term: 6 months on a monthly prepayment basis.

24 Hour Support – Available on request

We know better than anyone that the world of eCommerce never sleeps. Although infrequent, we deal with emergency requests 24/7. Using Jira and service desk, we’ll action any emergency requests within your agreed SLA time, every time. With an average response time of 1 hour, we’re here for you any time of day or night.